Laura Schara - Outdoor Personality
Laura Schara’s versatile experience as a television host brings a special energy to the outdoors and sports world. Her outdoor TV career began in 2000 when creating and hosting the segment “Wild in the City” on NBC’s Minnesota Bound, where she explored unique things to do in the outdoors right in the metro area of Minneapolis/St.Paul.
She has hosted numerous television projects including nationally televised “ATV Sport TV” on Versus (formally the Outdoor Life Network), Fox Sports Net’s live sports television show ”On the Carpet” and she currently appears weekly on Fox Sports Net’s “Due North Outdoors”.
Laura’s passion for the outdoors was passed on from her outdoor enthusiast father, Ron Schara, who taught her all the lessons that needed to be learned to be a successful angler. Her best catch to date is a 6ft, 77lb. halibut caught off the coast of Alaska. She is also an avid trap shooter and enjoys competing with her sister in a summer trap shooting league.
Laura holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.